What is a BRUKL report and why it is needed?

  • Building Regulations UK part L or BRUKL reports present the results from an SBEM calculation. It shows a pass of fail 

  • The report can be issued to your Building Control surveyor to demonstrate compliance with certain sections within Part L of the building regulations. More ionformation is required to demonstrate compliance, ask your Building Control Officer what additional information is required. Let us know and we may be able to help. 

  • Two or more reports will be needed, a design stage report and an as built report. If there are changes to the design that may affect energy consumption of the building in use,  at any stage before completion, a new calculation should be carried out and a fresh BRUKL report submitted to Building Control. 

  • The results presented in the BRUKL report can be used to gain Ene 01 BREEAM credits. 

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